Ooops! Magazine

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Camila Cabello se sincera contra la ansiedad

Camila Cabello se ha sincerado en un extenso mensaje en redes sociales sobre una de las épocas más duras que ha vivido.

Camila Cabello se sincera contra la ansiedad

A pesar de ser una súper estrella a nivel mundial y llenar escenarios donde se desenvuelve a la perfección, la cantante cubana es muy introvertida y durante su infancia ni siquiera se atrevía a cantar delante de sus padres. Algo que con el paso de los años tuvo que superar.

La intérprete de Havana ha compartido dos extensos textos en los que ha relatado lo mal que lo ha pasado por culpa de la ansiedad social.

«Crecí oyendo historias sobre las cantantes que amaba. Y todas sonaban igual, niñas que crecían actuando delante de sus familias y participando en concursos de talento. Yo era lo contrario. Nunca canté frente a mis padres o amigos y me ponía nerviosa cuando me pedían que lo hiciera. Yo cantaba en mi habitación cuando mis padres se iban al supermercado y lloré cuando un día descubrí grabándome a través de la puerta», ha comenzado el escrito.


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I remember growing up hearing stories of the singers I loved, all the stories sounded the same, kids who would grow up performing for their families and putting on talent shows for their parents when they were little who grew up to be dazzling to me. I was the opposite, I never ever sang in front of my parents or friends and would get flustered when they would ask me to, I sang in my room when my parents left for Walmart and cried when one day I saw them filming me through the crack of the door, I got teary eyed when people sang happy birthday to me because people looking at me actually made me overwhelmed. I was generally incredibly nervous and socially anxious when I was little; and people always have this look of disbelief when I tell them that. I did an interview the other day where I got it again, the interviewer said something along the lines of “So… how’d you end up here?” The answer is, I feel like my whole life there’s been two Camila’s in me. There’s little Camila that is terrified of the unknown, is aware of all the ways everything can go wrong, (actually can picture them vividly lol), and thinks it’s safer to stay home than to play ball. Then there’s the other Camila. And she knows what she wants out of life, is aware of how little time I have to let little Camila run the show while time passes by, and grabs young me by the hand and forces her out the door saying “Let’s go. You’ll survive, and I’m not gonna miss out on this. Let’s go.” And that is literally how I can sum up how I’ve gotten to this point in my life. (I’m talking about as a person, not success.) remember feeling discouraged when I felt like some people were just “born” to do things. That they always had it in them. “They were always this outgoing, they always loved to entertain, they were always this bold, they were always this outspoken.” (…..continue)

Una publicación compartida de camila (@camila_cabello) el

Además, ha sentido que durante toda su vida dentro de ella han existido dos Camilas.

«Está la pequeña Camila, a quien le aterroriza lo desconocido y es consciente de todas las maneras en que algo puede salir mal y piensa que es más seguro permanecer en casa que jugar a la pelota. Y también está la otra Camila. Ella sabe lo que quiere de la vida y es consciente del poco tiempo que tiene para permitir que la pequeña dirija el espectáculo mientras el tiempo pasa y toma a la joven yo de la mano y la obliga a salir de casa diciendo: ‘Vamos, sobrevivirás y no me perderé todo esto. Vamos'», ha explicado.


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(part 2..) The truth is you decide who you’re going to be. Every day. I’m not talking about talent or success. I just mean the type of person you’re going to be. If you haven’t been very brave, or very social, or wild, or an adventure seeker, if you describe yourself as the opposite of those things… it doesn’t mean you can’t be. The other you needs to grab little you by the hand, yank you by the hairs and tell you, “Let’s go.” Little me hasn’t left. I just don’t let her boss me around as much. I felt like sharing because I think sometimes we see other people do things and think “Ah, well.. that’s just not me. I’ve never been like that.” It’s NOT TRUE. I’m telling you. I went from never wanting to sing in front of my family to being addicted to performing, from being too anxious to hang out with new people to… still being a little anxious but having THE BEST time and making irreplaceable memories. The essence of me is the same, but i’ve changed so much as a person. You choose who you’re going to be. Force yourself to do what you’re afraid of, always- and go after what you want and who you want to be, because you’re worth that. You’re worth the fight. It’s the most worthwhile one there is. Love you ❤️

Una publicación compartida de camila (@camila_cabello) el

Este mensaje viene en momento en el que la artista nacida en Cojímar está en el foco de los medios por su presunto noviazgo con Shawn Mendes, con quien interpreta el tema Señorita.

Desde el lanzamiento de su apasionado videoclip, a ambos se les ha visto en actitud muy cariñosa tanto en diferentes ciudades.

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